It’s not that I don’t have enough to do already. Yet for some reason, when I get asked to talk to a group of preschoolers about dairy, I always say yes!
Thank you, dairy farmers. Thank you for devoting your lives to caring for animals, caring for the environment, and caring for us by producing a nutritious and safe product
National Farmer’s Day is October 12, and it’s a chance for us in agriculture to connect with our dairy-loving consumers and showcase real life on the farm through our social media channels
Farmers are certainly the last of a dying breed. I’ve watched them fight through snowstorms, hurricanes, wildfires, and floods. I’ve known farmers who have worked through migraines, pneumonia,...
I awoke with a feeling of anticipation mixed with distress. As a girl of 4 years old, taking naps was simply a necessity, but I was not about to sleep through the most exciting part of my day
Earlier this month, I flew to Oregon to milk cows while my dad had surgery. I had instructions and milked with him from start to finish for three days prior to his departure
It is determination that is woven into the fabric of some of the best dairymen and women I know. It is this characteristic that gets us all through the toughest times and sets the best apart from the rest
Social media has almost become a bit of a necessary evil these days. We use it to keep in touch with friends and family, to ask advice, to buy and sell things, and to entertain each other and share
Most would consider working 365 days a year a curse rather than a blessing. Waking up in the early hours of the morning and working well into the night is not a feat that most are willing to take on
Passion is the main driver that shines through all the hard work and stress dairy farming can bring. Today's dairy farmers don't fit into one mold; they come in all shapes and ages, with varying levels...
From high school to college to continuing education opportunities, we must continue to grow and develop our talents. In order that I may inspire some other youth, I've decided to share how my education...
We can change our attitudes by changing our thoughts. Without a doubt, I am an optimistic person. My glass isn't just half-full - it's overflowing. I think dairy farmers, in general, are optimistic people....
I'm not typically an early Christmas shopper, but in the more recent years I've learned to pay closer attention to what my dad needs when we are fixing something, milking the cows or working around the...
After presenting various terms to describe those that work with dairy cattle everyday, we have the results of our survey, mentioned in our blog a few weeks ago. In total, there were 97 respondents. Men...